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Health Form

Complete and submit the Health Form, without auto-populating the boxes.

If you have any questions contact us at

Presence of Edema (swelling in arms or legs):
Have you ever been diagnosed with? (Check all that apply)
Could You Be Pregnant?

Client Liability Waiver and IV consent:

I understand that peripheral vein catheterization and administration of IV fluids and related services involves certain risks, including but not limited to infection, allergic reactions, bruising, irritation, and pain. I acknowledge that I have been informed of the potential risks, and I assume full responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the IV therapy.

I certify that I have provided accurate and complete information regarding my medical history, medications, and allergies, and I understand that this information is necessary for the safe administration of IV therapy. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform the nurse of any changes in my medical history, medications, or allergies.

I acknowledge that the IV hydration business and its nurses are not liable for any injuries, damages, or other claims arising from my participation in IV therapy. I hereby release and discharge the IV hydration business and its nurses from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me or any property belonging to me, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, while participating in IV therapy.

I understand this procedure is not covered by a health insurance plan. I agree to pay the cost of the service. 

I understand that Drips and its nurses may need to reschedule or cancel my appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, and I release them from any liability for such changes.

I have read this liability waiver and consent and fully understand its terms. I sign it freely and voluntarily, without inducement or duress, and intend for it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

By signing, you confirm your agreement.

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Your Health Form has been submitted!

Cancellation Policy

We understand that there are times where emergencies or obligations for family or work may arise. However, failing to call and reschedule or cancel your appointment ahead of time denies other clients the ability to book their own appointment. 

Cancellations with less than a 24-hour notice will be charged a nursing commission fee (nursing percentage of total IV Therapy service). 
If the IV is not completed due to the client’s refusal to allow more than 1 attempt at venous access, vital signs out of range, or decision to stop infusion this will be considered a cancellation with the charge on card. 

Square payment processing will refund according to cancellation policy, but Square won't refund its online processing fees (2.9% + 30 cents) for the payment. 


Once appointment is confirmed the cancellation policy will go into effect. ​

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