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IV Fluid Therapy Benefits

Our IV fluid therapies are formulated to address a variety of conditions:

  • Dehydration: IV therapy quickly replenishes fluid levels. It also replaces essential vitamins and nutrients lost due to dehydration

  • Fatigue: We often feel fatigued because we don't drink enough fluids. Rehydrate instantly with IV therapy and notice fatigue disappear. 

  • Hangovers: instantly feel rehydrated after a night out. Headache, nausea, or exhausted from last night? We'll get you ready by brunch.

  • Immune boost: Don't let a cold or flu slow you down. Recover faster with hydration and a vitamin boost.

  • Physical Exertion:  Many athletes benefit from IV therapy to prepare and recover from endurance events like marathons or intense workouts. Be ready for the next race/game and notice your performance level up. 

Image by Jonathan Chng

The Active Recovery IV Fluid therapy helps to replete, rehydrate, and start the recovery  process after physical activity. Replete the body’s electrolyte and fluid levels lost during intense workouts to reduce muscle recovery time and keep you performing at your peak.

B-complex vitamins: support your metabolism, helps with energy production and cardiovascular support.

Vitamin B12: necessary for synthesis of new red blood cells and repair and replacement of damaged cells as the body rebuilds tissues.

Magnesium: Reduces muscle cramps.
Glutathione: a tripeptide combination of three amino acids called cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. It is a key for ATP function, and vital to the body’s ability to create energy, so you can bounce back faster and perform better. 

Boosts Athletic Ability

Reach your athletic peak with glutathione. Not only does it decrease incidents of muscle damage, it also boosts your strength and endurance; encourages your body to make more muscle than fat; and reduces recovery times by decreasing oxidative damage by intense workouts. 



The reduced form of glutathione (GSH) protects against oxidative stress by directly oxydizing reactive hydroxyl free radicals like H2O2. Inflammation after intense workout will decrease faster with higher amounts of glutathione. 

Young Woman

Glutathione therapy

Glutathione also protects the skin against oxidative damage which leads to wrinkles, making it an excellent anti-aging therapy. 

Aside from its antioxidant capabilities, glutathione also contributes to melanin synthesis, the pigment responsible for skin coloration. Research shows that glutathione decreases melanin production, promoting a more uniform skin tone and minimizing areas of hyperpigmentation.

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